Ammania roșu
Tipuri de plante de acvariu

Ammania roșu

Nesey thick-stemmed or Ammania red, scientific name Ammannia crassicaulis. The plant had a different scientific name for a long time – Nesaea crassicaulis, but in 2013 all Nesaea species were assigned to the Ammanium genus, which led to a change in the official name. Ammania roșu

This swamp plant, reaching a height of up to 50 cm in height, is widespread in the tropical zone of Africa, in Madagascar, grows along the banks of rivers, streams, and also in rice fields. Outwardly, it resembles another closely related species Ammania graceful, but unlike the latter, the leaves have not so saturated red colors, and the plant is much larger and taller. The color usually ranges from green to galben rosu, the color depends on external conditions – illumination and the mineral composition of the soil. Ammania red is considered a rather capricious plant. Requires high light levels and a nutrient-rich substrate. You may need additional mineral fertilizers.

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