naiadă indiană
Tipuri de plante de acvariu

naiadă indiană

Naiad Indian, scientific name Najas Indica. In Russian transcription, it is also written as “Nayas Indian”. Despite the name, the natural habitat is not limited to only one subcontinent of India. The plant is found throughout South and Southeast Asia in warm stagnant waters.

naiadă indiană

In favorable conditions, it forms a dense cluster of long, strongly branched stems with numerous needle-like leaves with uneven edges. It can be in a floating state, and take root. Dense thickets will serve as an excellent shelter for small fish or fry.

Considered one of the easiest aquarium plants. Able to grow in a variety of conditions and does not place high demands on its content, making it an ideal choice for beginners. It is enough to place an Indian naiad in an aquarium and trim it periodically. It grows quickly, in just a couple of weeks it can fill a small reservoir. It will receive all the necessary nutrients from the water, which will be formed in it naturally as a result of the vital activity of fish and other inhabitants of the aquarium.

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