Tipuri de plante de acvariu


Pogostemons (Pogostemon spp.) are wholly aquatic plants found along coastlines in wetlands and river backwaters. The natural habitat extends from India, along the whole of Southeast Asia to Australia.

Most species have common features – tall stems, creeping rhizome and elongated narrow leaves, the color of which depends on growth conditions. As a rule, in bright light and high concentrations of nutrients, the leaves turn yellow or reddish.

Pogostemons are considered demanding aquarium plants that require a high degree of illumination and additional introduction of trace elements (phosphates, iron, potassium, nitrates, etc.).

Pogostemon Kimberly

Pogostemons Pogostemon kimberly or Broadleaf, scientific name Pogostemon stellatus “Broad leaf”

Caracatița Pogostemon

Pogostemons Pogostemon octopus (obsolete Pogostemon stellatus “Octopus”), scientific name Pogostemon quadrifolius

Pogostemon sampsonia

Pogostemons Pogostemon sampsonia, scientific name Pogostemon sampsonii

Pogostemon helfera

Pogostemons Pogostemon helferi, scientific name Pogostemon helferi

Pogostemon stellatus

Pogostemons Pogostemon stellatus, scientific name Pogostemon stellatus

Pogostemon erectus

Pogostemons Pogostemon erectus, scientific name Pogostemon erectus

Pogostemon yatabeanus

Pogostemon yatabeanus, scientific name Pogostemon yatabeanus

Eusteralis stelat

Pogostemons Eusteralis stellate, English trade name Eusteralis stellata

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