Creveți tigru roșu
Specii de nevertebrate de acvariu

Creveți tigru roșu

The red tiger shrimp (Caridina cf. cantonensis “Red Tiger”) belongs to the Atyidae family. Considered among specialists as one of the best varieties of Tiger shrimp due to its transparent chitinous cover with a number of red ringed stripes. Adults rarely exceed 3.5 cm in length, life expectancy is about 2 years.

Creveți tigru roșu

Creveți tigru roșu Red tiger shrimp, scientific name Caridina cf. cantonensis ‘Red Tiger’

Caridina cf. cantonensis «Red Tiger»

Creveți tigru roșu Shrimp Caridina cf. cantonensis “Red Tiger”, belongs to the family Atyidae

Întreținere și îngrijire

Unpretentious hardy species, do not require the creation of special conditions. They thrive in a wide range of pH and dGH, but successful breeding is possible in soft, slightly acidic water. They can live in a common aquarium with peaceful small fish. In the design, it is desirable to have areas with dense vegetation and places for shelter, for example, decorative objects (wrecks, castles) or natural driftwood, tree roots, etc.

They feed on almost everything that they find in the aquarium – the remains of the food of aquarium fish, organic matter (fallen fragments of plants), algae, etc. With a lack of food, plants can be damaged, so it is recommended to add chopped pieces of vegetables and fruits (zucchini, cucumber, potatoes, carrots, lettuce, cabbage, apples, pears, etc.).

Condiții optime de detenție

Duritate generală – 1–15°dGH

Valoare pH — 6.0–7.8

Temperatura - 25–30°С

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