Rotala Ramosior
Tipuri de plante de acvariu

Rotala Ramosior

Rotala Ramosior, scientific name Rotala ramosior. This is the only species of Rotal that grows naturally north of Mexico. It occurs in swampy areas near water bodies in a partially flooded or completely submerged state. Two other wild species, Rotala rotundifolia and Rotala indica, are also found in the United States, but they were introduced from Asia.

The plant forms a tall stem with linear leaflets arranged in pairs on each whorl. In the air, the leaves are dense green, under water they can acquire reddish hues, while the central vein remains greenish.

Rotala Ramosior is relatively easy to maintain if the following conditions are met: high concentrations of carbon dioxide and iron, the presence of a nutrient substrate and a high level of lighting. Shading is unacceptable, so plants floating on the surface should be abandoned. It should be placed directly under the light source. Propagation occurs by pruning and through the appearance of side shoots. An even formation of upright shoots will decorate the middle or background (if there is enough light) of the aquarium.

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