Câine și alte animale: care este prietenul unui prieten cu patru picioare

Câine și alte animale: care este prietenul unui prieten cu patru picioare

Every time the dog greets the owner with warmth, sincere joy and excitement, and for some family members this tailed pet is the best friend. But is it mutual? And do dogs have friends?

There is some truth in the old proverb that says that a dog is a man’s best friend. If a pet is a charismatic dog, loves to communicate and sniffs all people and dogs during daily walks, perhaps he also has his best four-legged friends?

Who is the dog friends with?

Although there is no convincing scientific evidence that dogs have their own friends, some observations and cases from life suggest that four-legged pets still like to be friends. For example, in an article for Psihologia Azi Mark Bekoff, Ph.D., quotes researchers Robert Seyfarth and the late Dorothy Cheney: “Convergent data from many animal species reveal the evolutionary origin of human friendship… However, not all friendship depends on kinship; in many cases, friendships are made between people who are not related by blood.”

Câine și alte animale: care este prietenul unui prieten cu patru picioare

For the survival of some species, including dogs, pack life is critical. It is useful for such animals to receive positive emotions from their fellows, which give motivation to stick together. From a functional point of view, this is friendship.

Some dogs display signs of friendly affection more strongly than others. Chihuahua, for example, are known for their devotion, which they often show to one person. These pets will follow their beloved friend like a shadow, seeking his attention and company whenever possible. Câinii ciobănești germani also strongly inclined bond with their families. Some dogs are more social than others and are friendly even with strangers. However, they are still able to form long-term attachments.

And while more often than not, dogs build a special, symbiotic, time-tested friendship with humans, there are many examples of dogs forming strong bonds with other animals. More often to representatives of their own species, and sometimes to others. Dogs that are friends with cats can be very close, to the point of cuddling and grooming each other. According to Psychology Today, some dogs in hard times take care of their brothers

If dogs are social animals, should you get a second pet?

În conformitate cu Stephanie Borns-Weil, MD, and head of the Tufts Animal Behavior Clinic: “Because dogs are very sociable creatures, the decision to get another dog is the right one … It seems to me that dogs, as a rule, are more satisfied with life in the company of other dogs.” Having another pet in the home often provides the pets with much-needed mental and physical stimulation, and companionship between them improves the quality of life.

However, for various reasons, some dogs may feel uncomfortable in families with other pets. Before take a second petIt’s important to take the time to introduce the potential new family member to the dog and let them get to know each other better. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the animal’s stress.

Câine și alte animale: care este prietenul unui prieten cu patru picioare

If the pet gets along well with other dogs, but the owners for some reason do not have the opportunity to have a second pet, you can walk with him on the dog playground, where the pet can find friends .. For some animals, such communication can work wonders.

What to do if the dog is unfriendly

Negative changes in animal behavior are often a sign that something is wrong with the pet. Sudden antisocial tendencies may indicate that the dog is not feeling well or is in pain. In some cases, this behavior can be a sign of jealousy or anxiety. Like humans, an animal’s behavior can change with age.

If a once friendly dog ​​has become less friendly and playful, the first step is to take him to the veterinarian for a checkup. Observe your pet. It may have other signs of illness, such as lameness, decreased appetite, or loose stools. This information will help the veterinarian more accurately pinpoint the true cause of the pet’s condition. If there are no problems, it’s probably time to meet with a behavior specialist who can help you understand what’s going on with your dog.

Any changes that have recently taken place in the house should be taken into account. A move, the arrival of a new family member, the birth of a child, or a long vacation can make a pet anxious.

In addition to health problems, there are many other reasons why a dog may not act like a best friend at all. If the veterinarian rules out medical problems, any significant recent changes should be taken into account. In these situations, you should wait until things are “normal” or make an extra effort to let the dog know you’re still around. In this case, most likely, she will again become as friendly as before.

Do dogs have best friends? Yes, it is quite possible that this is so. And more often than not, that best friend is the owner. It is worth strengthening the bond with your pet by walking, playing, and building a time-sharing routine that will include his favorite activities.

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